Senior Application Security Specialist
2022, April at Deliveroo
Senior Application Security Specialist at Deliveroo
2022, April at Deliveroo
2020-2021 Synack Red Team - Hero and 15for15
2021, March | eWPTXv2
2020, July | C|EH
2020-2022, February | Picus Security
2019, October | LFCE
2019, August | CQI-IRCA
2019, May - June | OSCE
2019, March | LFCS
2019 - 2020, February at Innovera
2018, September - ~ | SRT Member
2018, June - August | OSCP
2018 March - 2020 February at Innovera
2017-2018 February at HAVELSAN in Ankara
2017-2018, Dec. - April | CCNA
2017, WiFu - OSWP
2015-2017, #CSLAB at IUE
2016, June - September (3 Months) @InnoveraBt in Istanbul
2024, August
2024, January
2023, August
2022, Bugcrowd Team Hunt
2022 - 2024, University of East London
2020, 30 May - Online
2018, 20 July - 4 August in Bolu
2018, May at BTK in Ankara
2017, April at BTK in Ankara
2017, 3-11 Feb. #AB2017
2016, 6-7-8 May #Hacktrickconf at Anadolu University
2016, 30 Jan. - 2 Feb. #AB2016
2015, August #Rapid7
2015, 09-10 May #Alcatel-Lucent
2015, 31 January - 3 February at Anadolu University with METU.
2014, 18 October at ITU.
2014, 17-18 October 7th International at ITU.
2014, 21 May - 18 July.
I am keenly interested in pursuing a career in cyber security and am passionate about exploring areas such as bug bounty programs and developing automation projects.
I am holding my Master's degree in Information Security and Digital Forensics (Pass with Distinction) from the University of East London and I graduated from Izmir University of Economics with a degree in Computer Engineering. I am 30 years old and have a strong interest in technology and related fields, which is reflected in my regular reading of technology magazines. I enjoy performing vulnerability tests on computer systems and participating in bug bounty programs. In my free time, I like to watch films and practice kick-boxing. Thanks to my education, my proficiency in English is at a high level and my German language skills are at an intermediate level.